Something we are passionate about is the use of LEGO in the curriculum. The SBrick Plus and also the Circuit Cubes products allows both schools, parents and children to get more out of their LEGO, to enable enrichment of the curriculum beyond the basics offered by standard LEGO products. Currently the SBrick Plus is compatible with:
Mindstorms - WeDo - WeDo2
However expansion to EV3 and Boost is due in the coming months.
A first steps guide to using the SBrick Plus in education can be found here
We can offer advice and support on application to the curriculum, supply complete packs of equipment, and also we are developing a wider range of Classroom Resources.
The SBrick Plus is compatible with Scratch, Micro:bit, Android, Windows, Chromebook, so connection possibilities are endless. The amazing app and all inclusive Circuit Cubes sets allow easy integration at an affordable price.
Please contact us at for education pricing.
You can use SBrick Plus with iPhones, iPads,
Macbooks, Android phones and tablets, Chromebooks,
Notebooks, PCs and single board computers like the
Raspberry Pi.